Monday, March 17, 2008

March Madness and FREE Sticks!

Greetings fellow followers of Devil's Weed,

We at Molina Cigar are anxiously awaiting our first shipment of Devil's Weed hopefully to hit the U.S. in a few weeks now!

We wanted to up the ante and make March Madness a bit more interesting. Go to and log in. Join our group and create a bracket. THE WINNER WILL WIN A FREE BOX OF DEVIL'S WEED COLON!!

Our group name: Devil's Weed
Group password: molinacigar

I believe you can create more than one entry, so fill them brackets out soon and increase your chances at winning 25 free sticks of Colon. I have filled out a bracket so if I happen to win (haha!) the second-place finisher will win the box! Good luck and fill those brackets by this week!

Here's a direct link to our group:


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