Monday, April 20, 2009

Devil's Weed Event at Tinder Box Metairie

Greetings Friends,

We apologize for the lack of posts recently but we have much going on behind the scenes. We will keep you posted though with future updates and further details.

We just quickly wanted to announce that Tinder Box Metairie (a suburb of New Orleans, LA) will host Devil's Weed cigars for an in-store event this Thursday. We will be giving out complimentary LP-1803s. We will also give away some door prizes (like shirts and cigars) and have in-store specials and sales, so don't miss out!

If you aren't aware, Tinder Box is New Orleans' oldest active-running tobacconist and these guys have great prices and a nice selection. I used to shop here years ago before I got into the game professionally to buy my Davidoffs as they are the area's only appointed White-Label merchant. Boy, these guys are good! Anyway we can't wait to come in and chat it up with the hometown crowd. We are featuring Tinder Box Metairie as our merchant of the month so check their web page out or call and ask for Joe or Larry! We hope to see you there!


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Crown-Style T-Shirt
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