Monday, February 25, 2008

A Sweet Spot


I just found a great resource on the web. It's called Cigar Places ( When I used to work at Don Juan Cigar Co., I had many out-of-towners ask me where there was a place to drink and smoke or eat and smoke (Don Juan has a lounge in-house but they don't serve alcohol or food). This was a common question and I'm sure many retailers around the country are asked this as well.

In this time of tribulation and persecution for the cigar smoker, Cigar Places is an easy-to-use reference for just a list of safe havens. You can do a search in a particular city to see where the cigar-friendly places are and when they come up, yellow markers pop up on the map. You can add places that you know, in order to help the community. If a restaurant or bar no longer allows cigar-smoking, you can suggest the removal of the advertised location.

Check out Cigar Places, before you hit it out for a night on the town, so you know where you can smoke your cigar in peace and avoid those smoke-Nazis.


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