Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment, Day 73

Day 72. The results of 1 day without water. Beware!

Greetings Friends,

Here is the latest update of our Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment which features the events from Day 72 and Day 73. Enjoy!

Day 72:

The past few days have been great for the growth of the plants and it finally rained one day (although we have been watering everyday except on this day). So here is some evidence of what happens when these plants in very hot weather go without water for one day: they can wilt dramatically to protect themselves from the heat. Again, tabaco is a water hog and loves the stuff so make sure they're hydrated especially at this stage. Don't worry though; I watered them late in the afternoon and expect the plants to straighten right back into shape by tomorrow. Any further delay without water however would certainly have caused severe damage; so remember to always keep the soil in these containers moist.

Day 72. Wow! The MVP has let his leaves down to escape the heat.

Day 72. Remember to love your tabaco plants. Water them!

Day 72. The remains of the fallen. RIP, sprout.

Day 72. Now we wait to see the rise of the thirsty...

Day 73:

And so to no surprise, the plants are alive and doing well. Look at the growth of them all. I anticipate that another 8 - 15 days will suffice for the final transplanting out to the open field. The goal is for each plant to be at least 6 inches tall so that they will be strong enough to develop fully out in the open heat. The MVP which showed the most dramatic effects after receiving water is standing straight today and looks taller than before (he's about 4 inches tall right now), but the other plants are also doing well and have seen dramatic growth. Even the guy who had some caterpillar damage has new leaves and offshoots. The GABTE is going well right now and the forecast calls for a good transplanting. Until next time, get out there and grow your own!

Day 73. The All-Stars jump back!

Day 73. In the left corner...

Day 73. In the middle ring...

Day 73. In the right corner...

Day 73. The MVP is up and running again.

Day 73. Grow and prosper.


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