Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment, Day 100

Day 100. A close-up of a fine specimen.

Greetings Friends,

It is Day 100 of the Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment and we are still here and thriving. It is safe to say that the transplanting was a success. The tabaco plants have grown tremendously since the last post (6 days ago) so this means that the roots have taken hold of their new terrain. It has also rained the last 4 days so the plants are receiving good natural water and thus have exploded in size. Everyday, I am inspecting whether there are any signs of pests and, luckily, the plants have not been discovered by herbivorous insects.

Now as long as there aren't any major storms or wind, insects or other acts of nature to damage the plants, we can expect to harvest the leaves for smoking consumption in another 45 to 60 days. The "drainage system" works well and we can expect a great harvest. Now we play the waiting game and smoke some cigars (preferably Devil's Weed cigars) as we watch the tabaco plants grow! Take a look at the photos.

Day 100. Field-view of the crop. Nice.

Day 100. Western-half of the crop.

Day 100. Eastern-half of the crop.

Day 100. Is this the MVP?

Day 100. Or is this plant the MVP?

In case, you couldn't tell which of the photos was the long-running holder of the MVP, it was the first one. All the plants are getting plenty of water, nutrients and space for the roots to thrive that nearly all are MVPs.


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