Monday, July 20, 2009

The Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment, Day 91

Day 91. A curious toad enjoys the tabaco garden plot.

Greetings Friends,

And so we have just completed three full months in our humble project, the Great American Tabaco Experiment, and we are ready for the next stage: Transplanting. This will be done tomorrow but we wanted to show you the progress up until this next step. The plants are about 5 to 6 inches in height and should withstand the inherent stress that comes with this stage.

Take a look at the plants and their healthy state. With every new level of leaves that appears, comes thicker and greener leaves. Many of the leaves at the bottom (the first leaves to appear) of the plant are becoming lighter (whiter) as they are deprived of sunlight. This is natural and I recommend pruning/picking them off if they are too weakly. This assures that the energy going into the plant from the roots (from water and soil) is allocated to the strong and newer leaves.

The last photo is of the plot of the backyard that will contain the tabaco plants until they mature and its smokeable leaves are ready for harvest. I will go into more detail tomorrow, but essentially I wanted to show you how it looks and what the plants can expect. On a side-note, I began preparing this plot on Day 30 and this is what it looks like today. But as I said I will go into more detail tomorrow; as a matter of fact you can expect tomorrow's post to be separated into 2 parts: 1. how to prepare the plot of land that you will use to grow tabaco plants and 2. the actual transplanting steps. Important stuff so stay tuned and enjoy these pictures. Oh and that toad you saw in the beginning of the post was pretty friendly. I just hope I don't catch any warts.

Day 91. One more day until transplant day.

Day 91. The first group looks good.

Day 91. The second group looks good.

Day 91. The third group looks good.

Day 91. The prepared plot that will be the site for the mature tabaco plants.


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