Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Great American Backyard Tabaco Experiment, Day 22

Greetings Friends,

Boy do we have plenty of pictures for you today! Our little experiment is going fine and the weather here has been fantastic for growing tabaco. It has been a little hotter than what is ideal for the plants but the tarp provides the right amount of sunlight needed for the growing sprouts without having them shrivel. I rigged the shade tarp by cutting some tarp material that you can buy at Home Depot or Lowe's and affixing two slim pieces of wood to provide some support. Then I put a stick in the center of the container to provide the support for the "tent" that is to go up. So essentially I have built a mini circus top or tee-pee and this is great to keep out most of the pests and to block the extra sunlight all around the perimeter.

We have profiled the setup from Days 18, 19, 21, and 22 (today). What I have learned is that during these days you see very noticeable changes in the growth of these plants. Today I saw a sprout that has 2 levels of leaves! As I have mentioned before, I don't know what we're going to do with the extra plants. Maybe I can be the next Johnny Tabacoseed and plant the tabaco sprouts all over the city! Check out the pictures. If you would to see a close-up of any picture, just click on it.

Day 18, the top view.

Day 18, the biggest sprout is on the top right-hand corner of the diagonal front of sprouts.

Day 18, the hot spot.

Day 18, under the tarp.

Day 19, the top view.

Day 19, the hot spot. You can see the middle stick which provides support for the tarp in the background.

Day 19, the strong plant.

Day 19.

Day 21, the top view.

Day 21, the hot spot.

Day 21, the strong one is getting some company.

Day 21, here is the circus top. Nice.

Day 22, the top view.

Day 22, the hot spot is showing dramatic growth.

Day 22, the strong one and company.

Day 22, I wonder if tabaco sprouts can be used in a salad. Hmm.

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